Scott P. Rogers
Funkhouser Real Estate Group
540-578-0102  •  email
Brought to you by Scott P. Rogers, Funkhouser Real Estate Group, 540-578-0102,
Brought to you by Scott P. Rogers, Funkhouser Real Estate Group, 540-578-0102,
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Data Center

As reported in the Daily News Record last month, the large data center on North Main Street in Harrisonburg was sold to DBT-Data for $35M last month.

Here is the history of the property....
  • February 2005:  N Main Properties purchase for $1.3M
  • June 2007:  N Main Properties to Criticon for $3.8M
  • January 2008:  Criticon to DBT-Data for $3.6M
  • March 2010:  DBT-Data to Harris Corp for $41.6M
  • Harris Corp invests another $22M in the facility  ($42M + $22M = $64M !?!!)
  • Feb 2012: Harris shuts down data center
  • Sept 2013:  Harris Corp to DBT-Data for $35M

A recent press release offers further insights on the facility....

  • DBT-Data (the new owner of the Harrisonburg data center) now owns five data centers in Virginia.
  • The Harrisonburg data center is the only data center in Maryland or Virginia with a Tier III certification from the Uptime Institute.  This ranking relates to the "security and risks of a data center's performance" --- there are four tiers (I, II, III, IV) with IV being the highest.
  • The Harrisonburg data center (aka the "Cyber Integration Center") features 100% perimeter fencing, card readers and biometric access at all control points, 24/7 on site IT and security staff, high-efficiency evaporative chillers, air-side economizers for free cooling, and UPS.

It will be interesting to see if DBT-Data can now make good use of this data center, and bring in government and private sector clients for their data storage needs.