click here for a larger, clearer PDFSentara RMH has applied for a rezoning of their 238.61 acre campus from B-1C (General Business District with Conditions) to PMR (Planned Medical and Research).
In a nutshell, the original rezoning of the hospital campus took it from A-2 (agricultural) to B-1C, which was the most appropriate zoning at the time. Since that time, the County has adopted a revised zoning ordinance that includes this new "Planned Medical and Research" classification. This new zoning district (PMR) is "designed to provide flexibility for large-scale medical facilities and to promote the mixture of uses and increase density of development."
So -- nothing to wild or crazy with the rezoning -- seems to be appropriate re-alignment of the zoning of the property with the current and planned future use.
The fun part (to me, I suppose) is the updated MASTER PLAN provided as a part of the rezoning request. This paints a picture of how the campus may continue to develop in future years.