Here is a comprehensive list from
Jon Ischinger at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage of the items you'll need to provide when applying for a mortgage.
- A check to Wells Fargo for $395.00 for your appraisal
- 2 years of W2's if you are employed by others.
- 2 years of personal and business tax returns if you are self employed, all schedules
- 30 days of pay checks
- 2 months of you bank account statements, all numbered pages, and they must be official
- 1 most recent quarterly retirment statement, if applicable, including the Plan Provides Terms and Conditions of withdrawal (needed to show how you can access these funds if you wish).
- The name and number of your home owners insurance agent
- The name of whom you wish to close your loan with
- A copy of your Photo ID and SS card
Ready to get pre-approved for a loan? Start gathering the items, and click here to start the loan pre-approval process.
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