If your zip code is 22801 or 22801, and you live in Rockingham County (shown in yellow above) then your mailing address can be written in two different ways starting in February 2015....either as "Harrisonburg, VA 22801" or "Rockingham, VA 22801", and it's all about taxes....
From today's Daily News Record article....
Starting in February, the U.S. Postal Service will begin updating its database so the two ZIP codes will have a default mailing address of Harrisonburg, VA, and an "alternate preferred" address of Rockingham, VA.
An alternate preferred address essentially means residents in those two ZIP codes will be able to use either Harrisonburg or Rockingham in their address, and the USPS will accept both. Any type of commercial mailing will default to Rockingham, VA. The change was sought by the county because for years, residents and businesses inside the ZIP codes have been paying online sales taxes that end up going to Harrisonburg instead of Rockingham, said Michele Bridges, manager of the county’s economic development and tourism.
Read the rest of the article