Scott P. Rogers
Funkhouser Real Estate Group
540-578-0102  •  email
Brought to you by Scott P. Rogers, Funkhouser Real Estate Group, 540-578-0102,
Brought to you by Scott P. Rogers, Funkhouser Real Estate Group, 540-578-0102,
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Mortgage Interest Rates

So, after almost a decade, the Fed raised rates.  What happened to mortgage interest rates?  Per the graph above, not much has happened thus far.  Rates have edged up a bit over the past few weeks, and have headed back into the 4-point-something territory, but we were there (and a bit higher) as recently as this past summer, so that's not necessarily new territory. 

Maybe if we look back a bit further, we'll see that this rise to 4.01% is really disastrous?

Mortgage Interest Rates

Nope!  If we look back over the past three years (2013-2015) we'll notice that there as a long time frame during those years (shaded in yellow) when the rates were above 4 percent.

So, we'll see where things go from here, but thus far, the Fed's actions do not seem to have resulted in an end to super low mortgage interest rates.