East or West? Whichever you choose first, you'll likely stick with forever. |
If you have lived in Harrisonburg for a while (more than a few years) which side of I-81 do you live on? The East or the West? Would you consider moving to the other side of I-81? Regardless of which side you are on now, I'm guessing you wouldn't flip-flop to the other side. Most people stay on one side of I-81 after they buy on that side -- because they get used to the patterns of life on that side of our community. Nothing is necessarily better or worse on one side or the other -- but they are different, that's for sure. EAST: Most of the residential development over the past 15 to 20 years has been on the East side of Harrisonburg, in the general vicinity of the new hospital. This makes it an exciting place to live -- for some people. There are many newer developments where homes have recently been built, and there are newer commercial destinations (Stone Port, Martin's grocery store, Target, etc) all on the East side of town. But this also makes it a bit more hectic for getting around. Of note, there is also plenty of outbound traffic East of town, towards Massanutten, Elkton, Charlottesville, etc. WEST: There hasn't been as much residential development West of Harrisonburg over the past 15 to 20 years (other than Belmont and Monte Vista Estates) and this is just fine with most people who live on the Western side of Harrisonburg. Things are a bit calmer, without as much hustle and bustle, and in some cases with more established neighborhoods. The towns of Dayton and Bridgewater end up falling into this side of town as well for many people. I am not doing justice to all of the differences between the East side of town and the West side of town, but I believe that most people in this area are oriented towards one side of town or the other, for very specific reasons. Furthermore, most people who have spent any considerable amount of time living on one side of Harrisonburg likely wouldn't think about moving over to the other side of Harrisonburg. | |
Scott Rogers
Funkhouser Real
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