Always Look At The Larger Context When Considering House Price As A Buyer Or Seller |
THE BUYER'S STATED PERSPECTIVE I know that your house is listed for $400K, but this one other home a few streets over sold for $350K last month, and it was a larger, so I'm not paying any more than $350K for your home. THE LARGER CONTEXT Just a few items...
Furthermore, aside from all of these differences in the two houses --- the other ($350K) house is not available any longer --- and there aren't three other houses just like it that the buyer can decide to buy. In this case, by focusing on this one not-actually-that-similar sale, the buyer has put themselves in a situation where they might miss out on purchasing a great home because of how they are viewing the market based on one comparable sale. THE SELLER'S STATED PERSPECTIVE I am confident that I can sell my house for $350K. After all, my friend owned a very similar house and he just sold it in a week, with multiple offers, for $360K! THE LARGER CONTEXT Just a few items...
Again, by focusing on this one not-actually-that-similar sale, the seller has put themselves in a situation where they might miss out on selling their home because of how they are viewing the market based on one comparable sale. The Main Takeaway As a buyer or as a seller -- don't focus on just one comparable sale when deciding on a reasonable price to pay or to ask -- look for the larger context! | |
Scott Rogers
Funkhouser Real
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