new cohousing community is under development on Keezletown Road to feature (27) homes with 800 to 2400 SF. All homes are intended to include solar panels, spacious front porches and six inch thick walls.
There are a variety of house plans intended to be built at Juniper Hill Commons such as this triplex...
What, you might ask, is a Cohousing Community? Here's the vision for this neighborhood...
Our vision is to form a community of neighbors interested in knowing each other on a deeper level than typical North American neighborhoods.
We value our privacy, but recognize that our western culture and lifestyle isolate us from each other and make it challenging to build meaningful long-term relationships with those around us.
In building this neighborhood, we want to recapture aspects of a traditional village: knowing each other’s names, eating some meals together, sharing and celebrating life together with planned and spontaneous gatherings.
In addition, our group strives to live more simply and more lightly on the earth.
Learn (A LOT) more about this planned neighborhood by visiting
their website where you can find a plat, house plans, neighbor bios and much more!