Happy Tuesday morning, friends!
The starting and ending point of summer likely varies for many of us, but it seems like we're somewhere around the middle of summer. Gasp! As such, I hope the first half (or so) of the summer has treated you well, and that you still have some fun, adventures and relaxation in the works for the second half of summer.
Before we get to the real estate news of the day, I'll mention that
Red Wing was *fantastic* this year...
I enjoyed seeing many of you out at Natural Chimneys over that long (but not quite long enough) weekend and I hope the rest of you will consider checking it out next year! Sign up for Red Wing Updates
Next, I should mention that the beautiful home on the cover of my market report is on the market, for sale, as of this morning! Find out more about 390 Callaway Circle
Finally, if you're looking for a good cup of coffee (or a caramel latte) one of my favorite coffee spots in the 'burg is
Black Sheep Coffee, tucked away over on West Bruce Street. Interested in checking out Black Sheep Coffee? I'm giving away a $50 gift certificate, which you can enter to win
And now, let's spend a few minutes together exploring the latest news and happenings in our local housing market...
Right off the bat, we get to some rather fascinating updates just checking out the very basic metrics of our local market. As referenced in the tiny red numbers above...
[1] A normal June might have around 135 or 145 home sales. Last June (2021) we saw an impressive 175 home sales. I did not think we would clear that high bar this June. But... we did. There were an astonishing 184 home sales in June 2022!
[2] The median sales price in the first half of this year was $299,000! That is almost 15% higher than it was in the first half of last year, when it was $260,600. Even with *much* higher mortgage interest rates, homes keep selling at higher and higher prices!
[3] Homes are still selling fassssssssst! The median days on the market in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County during the first six months of 2022 was... only five days, just as fast as when we look at the entire past 12 months of data.
So... lots of sales, prices that are higher than ever, and homes are going under contract faster than ever. Hmmmm... things don't seem to really be slowing down thus far in 2022!?
This fast moving market has been one contributor to the steady increases in home prices seen over the past two years. Take a look at these increases...
[1] The median sales price of detached homes was only $250,000 just two years ago... but over the past two years that median sales price has risen to $310,000!
[2] The median sales price of attached homes (townhomes, duplexes, condos) was only $180,400 just two years ago... but over the past two years that median sales prices has risen to $240,000!
Homeowners have been delighted with these increases. Sellers have also been big fans. Buyers... not so much. It can be tough for buyers to get excited about paying a *much* higher price alongside their *much* higher mortgage interest rate... but buyers still seem to be moving forward full steam with their home purchases thus far in 2022.
Those home buyers are moving along so steadily that we're breaking (tying) some records...
Over the past ten years, the most home sales we have seen in a month has been 184 home sales... which took place last year, in August. Well, what do you know!? This June (last month) we saw... 184 home sales!
Looking ahead, what should we expect for July? The past three months of July have been tightly clustered around that 145 - 155 range, so I'm going to play it safe and guess we'll see right around that many home sales in July 2022. Perhaps 150 on the nose!?
As I have mentioned to many of you, I fully expected (and still expect) that we'll see a bit of a slow down in home sales activity in 2022 due to higher mortgage interest rates... but... the data just isn't agreeing with me thus far...
As shown above, the 787 home sales we've seen in the first half of 2022 exceed the number of home sales in the first half of each of the past three years! If I didn't know better, I'd think mortgage interest rates must be *lower* than ever in 2022 to spur on so much buyer activity!? But, no, not so much. More on that later.
Looking at these big picture trends in a slightly different way, it's astonishing to see three years in a row of double digit growth in the median sales price in our market...
How much did our area's median sales price increase in 2020? 10%
How much did our area's median sales price increase in 2021? 10%
How much has our area's median sales price increased thus far in 2022? 11%
It's been an astonishing few years in our local market to see home values escalating so quickly... without any signs of slowing down.
But... to try to reel us back in a bit from cloud nine...
It's hard not to look at the graph above and think that things could be, might be, possibly be changing...
[BLUE] The top, blue, line shows the number of buyers buying in a six month period as evaluated over the past four years. This metric has been steadily marching upward over the past two years... but... it seems that the number of buyers buying might be flattening out a bit. Again, not that the amount of buyers buying is decreasing, but buyer activity might not be continuing to increase as quickly as it has for most of the past two years.
[GREEN] The bottom, green, line shows the numbers of sellers selling at any given time... the inventory levels at the end(ish) of each month. For most of the past four (plus) years we have seen fewer and fewer (and fewer and fewer) homes on the market, due largely to excessive amounts of buyer demand. But... over the past six months... we're starting to see some modest flattening out of inventory levels in our local area. Inventory levels seem to be steadying themselves.
Bear in mind that it is still definitely a strong (strong!) seller's market, but we might be starting to see some early signs that the market might be slowing down a touch... perhaps cooling off from a strong-strong-strong seller's market to a strong-strong seller's market!?
Changing gears, slightly, here's an interesting trend to make sure that we recognize...
After typically only seeing around 70 - 90 new (detached) home sales per year, we saw a remarkably high 144 such sales last year... and this year we seem to be on track to see around 180 new detached home sales in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.
These recent, steady increases in the number of new homes selling in our market is doing two things... one, allowing the overall number of home sales to increase without relying just on resale homes as inventory... and allowing the median sales price in our market to keep climbing, given that new homes are typically more expensive than resale homes.
OK, shifting back to the overall sales market, here's a look at recent months of contract activity... measured by when contracts are signed...
Looking at the highlighted months...
[2022] We have seen 630 signed contracts in the past four months.
[2021] In the same months last year, we saw 620 signed contracts.
So, yes, even with *much* higher mortgage interest rates, we are seeing more buyers sign contracts to buy homes now as compared to a year ago.
Is this surprising? Yes, relative to interest rates. No, relative to what seems to be a significant number of buyers who wanted to buy homes in this area in the past two years who have not yet been able to do so.
In other words, demand exceeds supply. There are still lots of buyers who want to buy... even if the interest rates are higher than they were previously and higher than they would prefer.
So, demand is high. How about supply? Well...
It is possible that our local housing supply is increasing, slightly. After multiple years of constantly declining inventory levels, we now seem to be seeing inventory levels increasing a bit.
Sadly, these *slightly* higher inventory levels aren't evenly spread across all property types, locations and prices... so many buyers will still find inventory levels to be *quite* low in their segment of our local market.
Because inventory levels are still so low in most segments of the market, we are still seeing homes selling just as quickly has they have for the past year...
As shown above, the pace at which homes go under contract once listed (days on market) declined steadily through 2020 and 2021 until it seemed to bottom out at a median of five days on the market. That is to say that half of homes go under contract in five or fewer days... and half go under contract in five or more days. This metric hit a median of five days on the market back in July 2021 and has stayed there ever since. If or when the market starts to slow, soften or cool, we'll start to see this metric drift upward again.
Finally, that one topic that isn't quite as exciting to talk about... mortgage interest rates...
Just six months ago... the average mortgage interest rate for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage was... 3.55%. Now, it has risen all the way up to 5.7% as of the end of June. This drastically affects the monthly payment for buyers in today's market as compared to just six (or twelve, etc.) months ago. I don't think we'll see interest rates rise above 6% but it is definitely possible.
If there is one thing that could cool off our local housing market, it's this "cost of money" in the form of the mortgage interest rates. But, again, it hasn't happened yet despite drastic changes in interest rates.
And here we find ourselves again, at the close of what seems to be another red hot month of real estate activity in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. By the headlines...
[1] More and more home sales are selling!
[2] Homes are selling at higher and higher prices!
[3] Homes are selling as fast as ever!
[4] Inventory levels are increasing, slightly, in some pockets of the market.
[5] Mortgage interest rates are higher than they have been in years!
What will we see over the next few months in our local real estate market?
Most likely, more of the same... but we won't know for sure until those next few months pass... and I'll pause each month to check the numbers and share some thoughts with you so that we can all have a good sense of where we have been, where we are and where we might be going next.
Speaking of next...
If you are planning to SELL a house in the next few months, sooner is likely better than later, and I'd be delighted to chat with you about how we might work together.
If you are planning to BUY a home in the next few months, you ought to check in with your lender sooner rather than later to get proper expectations of your potential mortgage payments within the context of rising mortgage interest rates... and yes, I'd be delighted to help you with buying as well.
Be in touch at any point if I can be of any help to you or your family or friends. You can call/text me at 540-578-0102 or email me
Until next month... may your summer be as relaxing as this crazy real estate market can be stressful! ;-)