Scott P. Rogers
Funkhouser Real Estate Group
540-578-0102  •  email
Brought to you by Scott P. Rogers, Funkhouser Real Estate Group, 540-578-0102,
Brought to you by Scott P. Rogers, Funkhouser Real Estate Group, 540-578-0102,
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
# Homes For Sale
Above you'll see how many homes are currently listed for sale in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County per the HRAR MLS.

You can decipher the approximate number of homes for sale based on the labels on the left axis... but I have included percentages on the graph to allow us to more easily contrast available inventory with what buyers are actually buying.

This next graph shows the price ranges in which buyers bought homes over the past 365 days...

Homes Sold
By comparing the two graphs, you might be able to start picking up on the difference in inventory levels and buyer activity levels in the different price ranges.

The $300K - $500K range is looking OK... with 45% of the active listings... and 54% of the buying activity.

The "Under $300K" range isn't looking as great... with only 16% of the active listings... but 30% of the buying activity.

And over $500K... there's also a mismatch here... 39% of the active listings are in these price ranges... but only 17% of the buying activity.

To compare things a bit further, I calculated how many buyers are buying each month... in each price range... and compared it to the number of active listings in that price range...

Inventory vs. Home Sales
The graph above shows the mismatches more clearly...

There are more buyers buying a month (33) in the under $300K price range than there are homes for sale (24)... while in the $700K+ price range there are only (5) buyers buying per month... but (27) homes for sale.

The moral of the story is... whether you will experience inventory levels to be low will at least somewhat depend on the price range in which you hope to buy a home.