Loop Modern, a fun discovery in Harrisonburg |
view a larger version here Have you seen these modern looking townhouses in Harrisonburg? Probably not - most people I asked about them had no idea what or where they are. Loop Modern are townhouses available for lease, located just off of Reservoir Street. Learn more over at | |
THE ICE HOUSE, an innovative mixed-use redevelopment project in Downtown Harrisonburg is officially underway |
Local developers, Barry Kelley and Andrew Forward, are at it again -- transforming a downtown structure into an inspiring new space. Some of Barry and Andrew's past projects include City Exchange, Urban Exchange and The Walton Hotel. VISION - Some of the ideas that have been discussed for The Ice House include:
LOCATION - The Ice House will be a transformation of the former Cassco ice plant located at 217 S. Liberty Street. As you can see, it's not a very exciting sight right now.... ZONING - The City of Harrisonburg has approved a rezoning request for 217 S. Liberty Street and the adjacent building, 115 W. Bruce Street. HISTORICAL TAX CREDITS; GRANT - One of the only reasons that this project is able to move forward is because of the historical tax credits available for the project. INDUSTRIAL REVITALIZATION FUND GRANT - Harrisonburg received a $500,000 grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development's Industrial Revitalization Fund. This grant is effectively a low-cost loan that will be available for the development of The Ice House. COMMERCIAL TENANTS - Conversations are ongoing, but James Madison University has confirmed that they will occupy some of the space in The Ice House. One of the JMU offices that will relocate to The Ice House is communications, marketing and public affairs. Additional current plans for the commercial space include a restaurant, a mint operation and a yoga studio. SCOPE, TIMING - The transformation of this 80,000 square foot building is estimated to cost $10 million and the aim is to have it substantially complete by the end of 2014. STATUS - A detailed master plan is currently being developed to include 217 S. Liberty Street, 115 W. Bruce Street, as well as a 104-space parking lot on a parcel diagonally across West Bruce Street. | |
Eugene Stoltzfus: Architect, Furniture Designer |
Eugene Stoltzfus, prior Chairman and President of Rosetta Stone, has also created some amazing architectural works -- and is now offering many of his own furniture designs to the public. Most recently, the New York Times selected one of Eugene's pieces (the Double-O's) as a must have. As I type this, I am developing pain in my lower back, hunched over a table in front of the couch where I am sitting. Oh, how I wish I had a Double-O to use as I type about the Double-O's. :) | |
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