The Process

Research The Loan That Fits Your Needs
Ask any lender the following:
- What are the most popular mortgage loans you make? Why?
- Which type of mortgage plan do you think would be best for us? Why?
- Are your rates, terms, fees, and closing costs negotiable?
- Will I have to buy private mortgage insurance? If so, how much will it cost and how long will it be required? NOTE: Private mortgage insurance is usually required if you make less than a 20-percent downpayment, but most lenders will let you discontinue the policy when you have acquired a certain amount of equity by paying down the loan.
- Who will service the loan? Your bank or another company?
- What escrow requirements do you have?
- How long is your loan lock-in period (the time that the quoted interest rate will be honored)? Will I be able to obtain a lower rate if they drop during this period?
- How long will the loan approval process take?
- How long will it take to close the loan?
- Are there any charges or penalties for prepaying the loan?
- W-2 forms or business tax return forms if you're self-employed for the last two or three years for every person signing the loan
- Copies of at least one pay stub for every person signing the loan
- Copies of two to four months of bank or credit union statements for both checking and savings accounts
- Copies of personal tax forms for the last two to three years
- Copies of brokerage account statements for two to four months, as well as a list of any other major assets of value, e.g., a boat, RV, or stocks or bonds not held in a brokerage account
- Copies of your most recent 401(k) or other retirement account statement
- Documentation to verify additional income, such as child support or a pension
- Account numbers of all your credit cards and the amounts of any outstanding balances
- Lender, loan number, and amount owed on other installment loans, such as student loans and car loans
- Addresses where you have lived for the last five to seven years, with names of landlords if appropriate